20% off through March 31: Jamaican Jerk, Mild Curry and Rib Rub! Also on sale at MOM's Organic Market - click here for locations!

Salmon, rice and broccoli raab

So whats for dinner tonight you say? You might try this…

I brought back some good looking salmon fillets from my grocery excursion today, along with fresh broccoli raab. So let's just get cooking with this dish of salmon, rice and broccoli raab.


All measures are for each 3-4 inch fillet.

Prepare a marinade for the salmon fillet with some (1 tsp) of the Italian herb blend that you could find at Aromatic Spice Blends. Add olive oil (1 tsp), one crushed garlic clove, a squeeze of lemon juice, and freshly ground black pepper (to taste) to this. Keep in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then add salt to taste (I like the iodized sea salt). Transfer to the oven where you can bake the salmon at 375 degrees F for about 20 minutes or until the fish is opaque and fork tender.


You could use long grain white Basmati rice, wild rice or brown rice. Wash and rinse rice in cold water and add to boiling water (1 cup of water to 1/2 cup of rice). Turn the heat down and allow to simmer until the water is absorbed (about 10-15 min).

Broccoli Raab

Clean and wash the Raab and cut the florets, leaves and some of the stems into bite size chunks. Heat olive oil in a pan and add these along with crushed garlic. Saute until crisp and cooked through (not mushy). Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on this.

Salad suggestions: Fresh cut cucumber or red radish.

Dessert: It is said that fruit is the best dessert. It helps in digestion and satiates with the flavors. A few slices of fresh papaya would be great after this simple and nutritious meal!

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1 comment

  • My.email is not working at this time, please send me a text message to 1-773-574-6554. I am looking for a spice I purchased from you before called garlic and pepper. I don’t see it on your website.

    Patricia Prince

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